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Constitution of
Bothewell Rd Action Group
Adopted 5/7/2016


  1. Name


The name of the Organisation shall be Bothwell Rd Action Group here after referred to as the Organisation)




  1. Aims and Objectives


  1. To Protect and enhance the natural beauty of the park and help improve the existing facilities and resources


  1. To promote the park among the wider community by encouraging people to visit and enjoy its facilities


  1. To be consulted on significant developments concerning the park


  1. To imitate, undertake and support a range of activities and events


  1. To help promote local understanding and knowledge of the rich heritage of the park and so protect it for future generations.


  1. Powers


In pursuance of the Aims and objectives set out in section 2 above the organisation shall have the following powers:


  1. To carry out any other activities which further any of the above aims and objectives.


  1. To purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire, any property or rights which are suitable for the organisations activities.


  1. To improve, manage, develop or otherwise deal with, all or any part of the property and rights of the organisation.


  1. To sell, let hire out license, or otherwise dispose of, all or any part of the property and rights of the organisation.


  1. To engage such consultants and advisers as are considered appropriate from time to time


  1. To effect insurance of all kinds when required


  1. To liaise with other voluntary sector bodies, local authorities, UK or Scottish government departments and agencies, and other bodies, all with a view to furthering the organisations aim and objectives.


  1. To change its legal status and if considered appropriate to transfer to any such group (without any payment being required from group) the whole or any part of the organisations assets and undertaking.


  1. To take such steps as may be deemed appropriate for the purpose of raising funds for the organisations activities


  1. To accept grants, donations and legacies of all kinds ( and to accept any reasonable conditions attached to them)


  1. The organisation will operate as a Sub Group of the Whitehill Neighbourhood Board which comprises local residents from the Whitehill area, the locally elected members and officers of Community Planning Partners. The Whitehill Neighbourhood board has the power to dissociate with the organisation if it fells the organisation does no longer meet the Vision. Ethos and terms of the Board.


  1. Membership


  1. Membership of the organisation will be open to all adults over the age of 16 years permanently resident within Whitehill and wider Hamilton area regardless of nationality, political or religious beliefs, race or sexual orientation, who accept the aims and objectives of the organisation


  1. Junior membership shall be open to all under 16’s permanently resident within Whitehill and wider Hamilton area. Whilst junior members will be able to vote they will not be able to be a signatory with regard to the financial transactions of the organisation.  


  1. Associate membership shall be open to voluntary and statutory organisations and individuals that wish to further the aims of the group and with an interest in or special knowledge of the park and surrounding area Associated members shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the Organisations.


  1. Any person wishing to become a member of the organisation must white to the Secretary to requesting membership.


  1. Any member wishing to withdraw from membership must white to the Management committee advising them of their desire to withdraw membership. On receipt by the organisation they will cease to be a member with immediate effect or at a date mutually agreed by both parties.


  1. Any member may be expelled from membership by way of a resolution passed by majority vote at a general meeting providing at least 21 days’ notice of the proposed resolution has been given in writing to the member concerned the member will be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the general meeting at which the resolution is proposed. 


  1. A member of the Management committee shall feedback the work of the group to meetings of the Whitehill neighbourhood board on a regular bases. And the work of the Organisation shall be a standing item on the Agenda of neighbourhood Board meetings.



  1. Office bearers


  1. At the annual general meeting the organisation shall elect a chairperson, a secretary a treasurer and any such officers as the organisation shall form time to time decide.


  1. The chairperson secretary treasurer and any other officers of the organisation shall hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the organisation after their election, but shall be eligible for re- election.


  1. Management committee


  1. Subject as hereinafter mentioned the policy and management of the affairs of the organisation shall be directed by a management committee which shall meet not less than 4 times each year and shall consist of not less than three or more than 10 members


  1. The members of the management committee shall be elected at the annual general meeting in accordance with clause 5 above


  1. Any member of the Management committee who fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings without tendering apologies will be contacted by the Sectary in writing to ascertain their future intentions with regard to their membership of the management committee. If no response is received they will be deemed to have left their position.







  1. Meeting of the Organisation 


  1. The annual general meeting (AGM) shall be held within fifteen months of the preceding AGM. Fourteen days, notice will be given to members in writing.


  1. The Annual general meeting will transact the following business:


  1. Minutes of the previous annual general meeting.

  2. Consideration of the annual report provided by the management committee.

  3. Consideration of the annual statement of accounts

  4. Election of honorary officers and management committee

  5. Appointment of independent examiners of accounts

  6. Any other competent business.


  1. The chairperson of the organisation may at any time at his/her discretion, and shall, within fourteen days of receiving a written request by not less than 33% of the members having the power to vote and giving reason for the request call a special meeting of the organisation for the purpose of altering the constitution or of considering any matter which may be referred to him/her by the management committee for any other purpose. The proposed changes to the constitution or other matter to be considered at this special meeting shall be distributed in writing to the membership at least 14 days prior to the date of the special meeting.


  1. Rules for meetings


  1. The quorum at a meeting of the committee shall be not less than 3 of the full members entitled to vote. The quorum of a special committee meeting shall be 33% of the agreed voting membership


  1. Unless otherwise specified in this constitution all questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. In the event of a tie, the chairperson has the casting vote.


  1. The minutes of all meetings shall contain a record of all proceedings resolutions and decisions. These minutes will be prepared by the secretary and should be available to the membership at all times.




9. Finance


  1. Finance shall be raised by the management committee through fund raising , events , subscriptions, donations, legacies and or grants


  1. The financial year shall be from 1st April to 31st March.


  1. The treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the organisation. At the end of the financial year the treasurer will prepare an annual statement of accounts.


  1. The accounts shall be independently examined at least once a year by the independent examiners appointed at the annual general meeting


An Independently examined statement of accounts shall be submitted by the management committee to the anual general meeting 


Noon of the organisation's assets may be distributed or otherwise applied ( on being wound up or at any other time) except to further its aims and objectives


A bank or building society account shall be opened in the name of the organisation as the management commttee shall from time to time decide. the management committee shall authorise, in writing, three members of the management committee one of whom shall be the treasurer to sign cheques and authorise payment on behalf of the organisation. All payments must be signed by no less than two of the authorised signatories who cannot be related or resident at the same address. 


10. Dissolution 


if the management committee by a simple majority decide at any time on grounds of expense or otherwise that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the organisation it shall call a special meeting of the organisation . any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given to transfer equally to another organisation with similar aims and objectives to that of the organisation 


11. Declaration 


Adopted by its members at a meeting held on 5 July 2016 at the Whitehill Neighbourhod center 9 Hunter Road Hamilton ML30LH 






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