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Nature Restoration fund.

Nature Restoration fund.

Following on from the recent announcement that Backmuir Woods in Hamilton has been designated a local nature reserve in the council’s local plan South Lanarkshire council have been successful in applying for funds from the Nature Restoration Fund

The fund is being used to extend seasonal contracts of Grounds staff to allow them to carry out mostly biodiversity related works, as well as some litter picking and path maintenance works. Teams for SLC have started rotavating an area opposite where the Covid Memorial Orchard site will be .

this however won’t be seeded until next year. The area will be managed as a wildflower meadow with one annual cut but with mown grass strips through it where people currently walk.

They will also do some small scale works to improve the bark chip path that goes through the section behind Holycross (keeping that path open and bark-chipping any muddy areas).

The path that links the park to the woods will be strimmed to keep it open and stop brambles/vegetation encroaching.

It is also hoped that regular litter picks will take place over the Winter in the woods and in the park.

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